What is Remarkable Armenians?
A blog to highlight Armenians that have led a truly remarkable life. From celebrities to inventors to others that have made a remarkable impact and have an amazing story.
How it all began - told by Charlie Apigian (son of Charlene Apigian)
Recently, I was out with my family and a gentlemen and I started talking and I mentioned that I was Armenian. He tilted his head and looked at me quizzically and said “What is an Armenian?”. This was another opportunity to share the story of Armenians.
“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.”
So, as I have many times before, I explained where the country of Armenia resides, how we have our own alphabet, and that we were the first nation to declare Christianity as its nation’s religion. I then talked about my grandfather’s journey to the United States (don’t worry, this will be a future blog post) which expresses my pride in an Armenian’s perseverance and grit, which is best described in the quote by William Saroyan (quoted in this blog post).
As I finished the conversation with this nice gentlemen, my son Adam asked:
“Dad, why did you spend so much time educating this individual about our heritage?”
Living in the South, we do not see many Armenians. When my son, who’s middle name is Hairabed, named after my grandfather, asked me this question, I answered candidly “When someone meets you for the first time, you may be the ONLY Armenian that they will ever meet. It is your job to share our story and educate anyone interested in Armenia. It is also why I also stress to you how important it is to act with integrity. If you are the only Armenian that someone may meet - make it count!”
Adam looked at me with a small tear in his eye and his chest puffed up with pride, and at that moment he understood the importance of sharing the Armenian story.
Why Remarkable Armenians?
Charlene Apigian with her grandkids.
No one shares the story of Armenians better than Charlene Apigian, or more affectionately - my mom. Going back to her days as the radio host of nationally aired HARC - the Heritage of Armenian Culture to her quest to create displays about Armenians throughout the Michigan library system.
“Mom, with all of the research you have conducted about Armenians, you should write a blog,” I said to her at one of my last visits to Michigan.
“What’s a blog?” was her reply and that was the start of what we hope is a wonderful opportunity to tell the stories of Remarkable Armenians throughout the world.
So, who will be featured on Remarkable Armenians?
We will focus on not only celebrities, but also inventors, scholars, humanitarians, and any other remarkable life that was led by an Armenian. We are proud to share these stories and how these individuals have made a difference not only for our small and quaint culture, but also to the person that asks “What is an Armenian?”. We hope you share in our quest to change that question from “What is an Armenian?” to “Armenians? I have heard so many remarkable things”.